Tough decisions

Currently I am faced with a decision that I don’t want to make.  This is where I want to live with my parents again where they have to make decisions like this.  This is a time where I don’t want to have to be an adult.  I know that I have to though.  I have to step up and do something I absolutely can’t imagine having to do. 

I can’t!  But I have to.

My dog has been with us for ten great years.  He was our first child.  He is the cutest English Bulldog, the one type of dog my wife and I have always wanted.  He basically fell into our lap.  How often do people get a healthy one year old bulldog for free? Since day one he has just fit into our family. He loves to sleep in until we are ready for him to get up. He was able to hold going to the bathroom for 12-15 hours without a problem.  He loved snoring and farting under his blanket that he loved to sleep under.  He loved humans more than other dogs.  He would love getting pet whenever someone would pet him.  When he didn’t have a human to pet him, he would love playing with other dogs.  Maybe even a little air humping with his overbite out.  No matter what though, he was always down for a good time.  

Luckily for us he has been extremely healthy ever since we have gotten him.  Until now.  He has always been so friendly and active and fun.  Until now.  He loves going outside on a nice day and laying around or walking down the path just sniffing around.  Until now.  He loves going on long walks with the family, peeing on every single thing he sniffs.  Until now.  Until now, we never had to worry about him.  Unfortunately lately things have changed.  Around November he started to have to go out at like 4:30 in the morning.  Not a fan of that!  Little did I know that I would be wishing for that right about now.  Currently every night lately we have woken up to him peeing in our room, on our carpet.  He doesn’t bark for us to let him out anymore, he just pees.  He can’t help it.  We knew something wasn’t right.  

I had just paid a ton of money to get some testing done at our vet because of his peeing in the house.  He never peed in the house!  Everything came back perfectly clear, but something still wasn’t right.  My wife took him to a friend who was a vet.  After some X-rays, she saw what we feared.  A large tumor covering one of his lungs.  I was heartbroken.  I am not ready to lose him.  Here comes the toughest part.  We can’t have him peeing in our house every single day.  He looks miserable and barely steps outside anymore.  He can’t go on walks because he doesn’t have the stamina.  He isn’t eating like he should be and has lost a ton of weight.  He barely makes it up the stairs to come to bed.  He has never looked so sad and tired.

I don’t want him to suffer.  But I can’t do it!  I can’t even think of having to take him in and leave without him.  I want someone else to do it for me.  I know it is something that is coming, and I have been preparing myself for it, but that doesn’t make it any easier.  I know it is close, and every day it keeps getting even closer.  I even thought as I couldn’t sleep when he woke us up peeing last night that maybe today it needs to happen.  But I thought maybe lets just see how he does this weekend.  He may be suffering, and I don’t want that.  But how do I know what day is the day.  Do I let it get to the point where he is so bad that I have no choice, or do I just make it so he isn’t suffering anymore. I don’t know what to do.  I don’t want to make this decision.  It’s coming and it’s coming very soon, and I HATE IT!


  1. berries781 · March 3, 2018

    I am so so sorry. We were faced with the same decision with our cat a couple of years ago. It was gut wrenching. You’re right. How do you pick a day? When do you know what day is the day? How do you choose? How can you possibly? For us, we finally did it and I felt so guilty and awful but then our big guy made the decision easier by needing to go earlier. It’s so hard. So so hard. I’m so sorry. So so sorry. I’ll be thinking about you.


  2. Rajikins · March 3, 2018

    Because of his suffering, you are sharing your beautiful love for your dog with us. Thank you. Be at peace. It is well.


  3. Sara Tomasevich · March 3, 2018

    Oh Mark. I’m so sorry.
    He will let you know when it’s time. You will feel it in your heart and know that it’s the only way to do right by him. I got choked up reading this because the same reality is still too fresh for me.


    • mcteaguem · March 3, 2018

      Thanks Sara! I know you have gone through this too so I appreciate the advice. I am hoping he does tell me!


  4. writingandlaughing · March 3, 2018

    Oh, this is the hardest and most compassionate kind of choice to make – both at the same time. Thinking of you as you navigate this emotional territory with, I am sure, grace and strength.


  5. bevbaird · March 3, 2018

    Its once of the hardest decisions to make. Our cat of 21 years ended up passing away at home alone. I regret that – I wish I had been there to at least hold her. Only you can decide. My prayers are with you.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Cassie King · March 3, 2018

    I am so sorry to hear this. This is such a tough time. I remember questioning how to make this decision. Myles then asked me if we do the same to people when they get old… It broke my heart. You will always keep the love you have for your sweet pup. You’ll know.


  7. terisblog302496239 · March 3, 2018

    So sorry to hear this sad news. That must have been tough to write and share.


  8. zasadilj · March 3, 2018

    I can hear your frustration and love for your dog all into one. I’m sorry to hear your family has to contemplate this tough decision.


  9. A Girl in Pursuit... · March 4, 2018

    Mark! I know how much you love your doggie and I’m so sorry! I love how you described all of the things he loved to do, it sentence made me smile and then the “until now.” That made me teary because change is so awful sometimes. Keep me updated- thinking you.


  10. susand1123 · March 4, 2018

    So sorry Mark! Pets bring us so much joy and so much sorrow when they leave us.


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