My Little Gymnast

I am so glad that my kids are finally starting to be able to participate in activities again. My daughter was in gymnastics since she was two. Then COVID hit, and they shut down. She was bummed. When we heard they were reopening, we got her all pumped up to go back. The only problem was she was on a waitlist now. Seems strange since we were previously enrolled, but whatever, times are different. Plus, she was number one on the list so it should be any time. A couples weeks went by, nothing. A few more weeks, nothing. We called and sure enough we are still at the top of the list. Then another shut down happened. Ugh!

Finally we got her back in. We are talking about “enthusiasm” in our SEL block, and it couldn’t be more fitting for each Saturday morning. In a normal school day, mornings can be a challenge. Listening skills and patience are tested. But Saturday mornings are different. She is out of bed, dressed, and ready to roll before I even wake up. I go downstairs to see this beautiful little gymnast with her cute leotard on, supporting the biggest smile her face will allow. She’s ready!

Today she is supposed to be tested to go up to the new level. We were getting her pumped about it all morning. Unfortunately, Dr. Seuss day pushed that off until next week, but that’s okay because she had a blast. Her teacher did such a good job of reading the book Green Eggs and Ham, and having stations they had to run to every time he said a clue word. It was so well done, and she was having the time of her life.

It is just so nice to be able to see her back in her element. I find myself giving a little out loud laugh sitting there by myself just watching her. I wish I could bottle up this age. I know I can’t, but at least I get to watch her grow at something she loves to do. I look forward to years of flipping and balancing and making me in awe of what she is capable of.