Watching Golf

This definitely will not be one of my most exciting posts, but since I was struggling with what to write today, I am just going with it.  When I was younger we always used to go to my Aunt’s house for Easter.  When we were there, all the men would be sitting around their one TV with their eyes glued on watching golf.  I did not get it.  I would try and act older by sitting there with them, and within minutes, I was like “Screw this, I am going back outside.”  I just didn’t get it. It seemed so boring, yet they wouldn’t leave their seats unless their beer was gone or dinner was ready.

Apparently I am just getting older because I love watching golf now.  Playing golf is literally my favorite thing to do, but watching it didn’t really excite me until the last couple of years.  Tiger Woods probably has a big hand in that because he was so dominate, how could you not watch.  But now there are all of these young kids, Thomas, Fowler, DJ, Mcllroy, and so many more.  They are so fun to watch.  These guys can hit the ball a country mile, can put spin on the ball that boggles my mind, and can putt on these lightning fast greens.  I think I appreciate it so much now because since I play, I know how truly hard the game is.  These guys however make it look so easy!  I want one of mine to drop a foot from the cup, or to hit a 60 foot putt for eagle.  My best score ever was a 76, and for them, that would be a terrible day on a course that is way more difficult than the one I was playing on.

I think the thing I love most about watching golf is the beauty of the sport.  The courses they play are in pristine condition.  The backdrop of so many are once in a lifetime views.  Every course I sit there and think, “that is on my bucket list to play that course.”  My bucket list keeps on getting longer and longer.  I love how quiet it is when they hit, but how crazy the crowd goes when they hit a good shot.  I love the respect all the players have for each other.  They are all so competitive, but after the round, they are all friends.  They fly together and even come cheer each other on if they are out of it.  Just such a cool thing to watch.

I look forward to it getting warmer out so I can get on the course, but in the meantime, watching will have to do.  Well maybe we can sneak out to Top Golf until the courses are playable.  Time to go back to watching it.  Lets go Phil!


  1. Dana Murphy · March 5, 2018

    This is such a great Slice! This is you struggling to write??

    I love how you started with your childhood at your aunt’s house. That was such a great balance to how you feel about watching golf now. Smart writing. And this sentence: “These guys can hit the ball a country mile, can put spin on the ball that boggles my mind, and can putt on these lightning fast greens.” I actually reread it twice cuz I liked it so much. I think it’s your word choice that is so striking. I don’t know, but it’s like poetic in a way.

    At any rate, this Slice makes me a little appreciative of the game… and now that I’m saying that, I feel like I wrote that on one of your Slices two years ago, too. Like, the way you write about golf makes ME want to love it too. That’s good writing, dude.


  2. A Girl in Pursuit... · March 5, 2018

    I think as we get older, we start to appreciate things a little more and watching golf for the beauty of it might just be one of those things. Embrace it!


  3. noora108hazou · March 6, 2018

    Sounds interesting. I never looked at Golf in this way. In fact, I have never taken the time to understand anything past minigolf. Maybe I’ll watch pro golf and stick to playing minigolf .


    • mcteaguem · March 6, 2018

      Noora lets get you out playing the real thing!


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