Nothing Like a Good Book

Another thing as a teacher that I hate to admit is that when I was younger I was not a reader.  I really didn’t get into reading until I became a teacher to be honest.  I started reading the Harry Potter series and realized that this reading thing is pretty cool.  It takes you to a different place sometimes.  It is a break from reality that is much needed in my life.  I find myself swamped at work sometimes with planning to do, grading to do, and clean up to do.  Yet all I want to do, and sometimes need to do is grab my book, shut my door, and read.  It gives me that break that I need away from all of that other stuff.

I typically only read at school, more or less because I just can’t find time to do it at home.  Today I got that chance to read at home while my wife was working and my son took a nap.  I finished my book that I have been trying to read for the last couple of months. I finished over half of the book in just a couple hours.  It was so nice to sit and read and get involved in this other world.  I like to mix up what I read, going from kids books, to more adult books.  I have read a ton of Alex Cross books by James Patterson which I really liked.  I have read the Harry Potter series, the Hunger Games, the Giver series, and now I am reading the Maze Runner series.

I especially like the children’s series that have movies that go along with them.  I love to compare the books to the movies.  I have never like any of the movies as much as the books, except for maybe the Harry Potter series, but I still love watching the movies as well.  My mother in law and I compare what we have read, and she is always great about introducing me to new series that I haven’t heard of before.

There really is nothing better than a good book.  I am currently on the third book in the Maze Runner series, and I can’t wait to find some time this week to crack it open.  I have a five hour plane ride in which I am hoping my son will sleep a little through so I can get back into this book.  I am hoping that I can continue finding this time throughout my day to try out other good books.  I need those books to help me escape reality every once in a while. Books take me on a good ride, and I can’t wait to hop back on again and enjoy every second of it!


  1. beckymusician · March 26, 2016

    You’re right – there’s nothing like a good book! I love to read, though I mostly read at home. It’s great to have someone, like your mother-in-law, to compare books and discuss the ones you both have read, and also to share books. Happy reading!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. mayawoodall · March 27, 2016

    YA books seem to help me leave reality for awhile. Plus, reading them makes for good convos with the students. You might like The Fifth Wave series, too.

    Liked by 1 person

    • mcteaguem · March 27, 2016

      Thanks for the recommendation, I will have to check it out!


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