Happy Place

There is one place that my kids are at their absolute best, and that is the beach. You will never hear them whining, saying they’re bored, or asking to play on some sort of device. They won’t ask when we are leaving or even care what time it is. When they are at the beach, they are in their happy place. There is no place they’d rather be.

We got to the beach around 1:00 today after running to the store because we forgot to pack my son swim trunks. 🤦‍♂️. We ran and ate a quick lunch at a restaurant on the beach, then found our spot. Once we got them all lubed up with sunscreen, they were off. They ran immediately down toward the water with the toys they brought and the fun began. I strolled down after a while to see how cold the water was. I put one foot in and turned around. Nope. It was freezing, and they were in there like it was 90 degrees. That’s what I love about them, the second they get by any water, they are in heaven. I loved just sitting back watching them do their thing. I usually would be right in there with them, but not in that water temp. The funny thing is at lunch I got a mahi reuben, which was ridiculously good by the way, and I couldn’t get my son to try one tiny piece. I tried bribing him and still a hard head shake. He won’t try that, but he will go run into freezing cold water without hesitation. 🤷‍♂️.

It was such a prefect day except that my skin apparently wasn’t ready for that sun. I put lots of lotion on, except for my legs. They never burn I thought to myself. Bad choice!! My legs are fried. Whatever, it’s 30 at home, I’ll take burnt legs.


  1. Trina · March 29, 2022

    Definitely my happy place too! Too bad I am here in the 30s…enjoy!!


  2. melodykeasler · March 29, 2022

    Yeah, I’d take burnt legs over this weather, too. My kids have never been to the beach, but if it might cure whining, it’s worth a try.

    Liked by 1 person

    • mcteaguem · March 29, 2022

      You need to get them there stat!! Totally worth it, for them and you!


  3. EugeniaKouts · March 29, 2022

    Enjoy the beach! That’s my happy place too!!


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