
Who would’ve thought that adulting meant constantly trying to make decisions. It is a little exhausting. My wife and I started the process of looking for houses over the past year. We are in no hurry at all, so we have just taken our time and looked around. I’m sick of the house we live in now, but we aren’t going to move just to move. We would have to find the perfect house in order to move. We really don’t want to move our kids schools since they are finally building strong friendships. We are going to basically stay in the same area, but would like to keep the kids stable if possible.

Having the housing market the way it is, we decided to put the search on hold for a while. We will still keep our eye out, and if that perfect house comes by, we may pull the trigger. For now we decided maybe just wait a couple years until our kids go to junior high. This means we need to continue to upgrade our house so it’s easier to sell when the time is right.

This is where the decisions come in. How much do we spend? What is worth it, and what is the next person’s problem? We need new windows badly. We were going to just leave them if we were moving soon, but now that it’ll be a few years, we decided maybe we need to get them replaced. That’s a big money decision that is tough. We would get the benefits of new windows for a couple years, but we will never get the money we paid for them back when we sell.

We had someone come out and give us a quote, and it was about what we thought. I was hoping we could just replace some of the bad ones, but with the new windows, they look totally different so it would be obvious. These are the decisions that suck making as an adult. If any of you “know a guy,” please let me know. I guess I have made the decision to get my windows replaced.


  1. Trina · March 20, 2022

    I hate all of the adult decisions that need to be made. Sometimes I am shocked that I am really the “adult” in charge of making all these decisions!!
    Good luck with the windows!


  2. Maureen Lanious · March 20, 2022

    First of all, I love the look of your site. “A Second Inside My Brain” in giant font on the backdrop of a cityscape is pretty cool to me.
    Adulting is a nice glimpse into the decisions we have to make as adults. Sometimes I feel my fifteen year old self rattling the cage and laughing at my adult life. This post has some of that feel to it. I especially like the inclusion of the word suck because that’s how adulting feels sometimes. Thanks for sharing.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Sarah Schulte · March 20, 2022

    Adulting is so overrated! House projects are so tough and, of course, expensive. We are in the process of redoing our kitchen and the amount of decisions has been immense! It also is tough if you and your spouse don’t always agree on decision or price. I sure hope you figure out what will work for you all and feel good with your decision!


  4. amandapalubiak · March 20, 2022

    Adulting is rough! It’s never easy to make decisions when you’re thinking about moving or putting money into a house! I feel that!


  5. Michelle · March 21, 2022

    Adulting sucks all around. I just want someone to make all the decisions for my, price it all out and tell me what to do! It is exhausting.


  6. EugeniaKouts · March 22, 2022

    UGH! I feel like I need to redo my kitchen and my windows, but then I have a kid that is going to college and Pete thinks his education is more important than a new kitchen! I would LOVE both – an educated kid and a new kitchen. I’m ready to throw a temper tantrum and let him be the adult. Good luck with your decisions . . . let me know if you find someone reliable at an affordable price!


  7. mcteaguem · March 22, 2022

    A new kitchen is a for sure thing. Just saying😂


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