Drive by birthday

Today is my niece’s fourteenth birthday.  I literally feel so bad for anyone that has a birthday during this crap.  As if things weren’t bad enough, you can’t even celebrate your birthday.  This is especially bad for kids.  I have seen so many poor kids that have had to cancel birthday parties with their friends due to being home bound.  It makes me feel terrible that I haven’t paid attention to which students I have that have birthdays during this month that I have missed.  I will be making sure that I go through each student and checking when their birthdays are.  I will be sending a personal message to each student that has their birthday during this time, hopefully giving them some excitement on their birthday.

Anyway, with today being my nieces birthday, I wanted to make sure that she got something special today.  Something to make her day.  I rallied the troops, or my sister and my parents.  I ran to Walmart with my kids and picked up lawn signs, light up balloons, a card and a gift card so she can shop online.  We came back home, and each made a sign for her to post in her yard.  My five and three year old each made such a cute sign in their own handwriting.  Then I let them draw some pictures on it.  Maybe not the best idea with my three year old since she colored over a bunch of her letters, but who cares.

We drove over and met my sister and her kids, as well as my parents, at a nearby Portillos.  We got her a chocolate cake, then drove over to her house.  I ran outside and stuck the signs in the yard, attached the balloons, and put her present on the porch.  My sister and her kids, plus my parents were all dressed up in who the hell knows what.  We did not get that memo.  We called my niece and had her come outside.  She was cracking up.  It was so nice to see how excited she was that we all came to celebrate her.  I also found out that a bunch of her friends had their parents do a parade in front of her house.  They decorated their cars, hung out from the windows, honked, and just really made her day special.

I hate that these poor kids don’t get to celebrate their birthdays exactly how they want to, but I think that seeing other people step up to make their birthday count is really awesome!  I truly believe that she loved the attention she received today.  It may have been different from other birthdays, but who gets a celebration caravan for their birthday?

Happy birthday Kaelyn!!Kaelyn



  1. Trina · March 28, 2020

    I checked birthdays yesterday and I have 4 before the end of April….I already missed one on March 16.
    I sent her a message and wrote the others down on a post it and stuck it on my computer. Hopefully I will remember!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. mindyr6572 · March 28, 2020

    Such a cute idea, I am so happy that you were able to bring a little happiness to your niece today.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. susand1123 · March 28, 2020

    Yeah my good friend who is divorced spent her birthday completely alone. I brought her a cake and she and I stood 6 feet apart in her kitchen for 10 minutes and talked. That was it for her celebration!

    Liked by 1 person

    • mcteaguem · March 28, 2020

      So amazing that she had you though. That was awesome that you did that! Probably made her day.


  4. CKing · March 28, 2020

    Such a good idea to check to see birthdays of your students! We sang happy birthday to one of my students on Zoom the other day. My sweet V has her 4th bday on April 11th… Trying to get creative.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Angelina · March 28, 2020

    You are right about birthdays. It’s a real drag when you have to be alone and can’t celebrate your special day in a fun way. I think I’ll look up my students birthdays and see who is coming up soon . Great idea.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. carwilc · March 28, 2020

    You definitely made this an unforgettable day for your niece! It looks like she had a lot of fun, even if she couldn’t have a regular party! I realized today, when I was in picking up stuff in my room, that I missed one of my kiddo’s birthdays on the 22nd!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. shaggerspicchu · March 28, 2020

    Oh my goodness! That is ADORABLE!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Michelle · March 28, 2020

    So much fun! We faced timed to sing happy birthday to my nephew today, your escape was way more fun!


  9. EugeniaKouts · March 28, 2020

    How fun and how much more memorable than being at SCHOOL!!!!


  10. Sara T. · March 28, 2020

    I am dying to know what the dress up memo said.. like bring your crazy hats or your wedding dresses! Such a cute idea!


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