Seat Change

Such a weird concept to be stressed about, but moving seats in my classroom gives me anxiety. Even when my teaching partner came and saw what I was doing, she reassured my feelings about it. Glad it wasn’t just me. My principal asked that I try and keep them in groups of four, for cooperative learning purposes. Since I only have twenty kids this year (NOT complaining), the combinations are slim. I have many students that cannot sit by each other, which makes the combinations even slimmer.

I sat at my desk all day today drafting my new arrangement. I wrote, erased, rewrote, and rethought. It took me about three drafts this time to finally get it done. Now it’s time to move them. I used to have my students move the desks themselves, but that gave me anxiety too. They literally can’t be any louder or messier when doing it, so now I just do that on my own after school. As I am moving the desks, new changes always come to mind, so there are always a few last minute adjustments. After a while, I am just like screw it, we’re going with it.

Tomorrow morning they will come in all excited that they have new seats. Well most. I’m sure I will have some complain. Then within an hour I will determine whether or not I was successful in my arrangement. I’m sure I will ask myself what I was thinking at least three or four times. As I am typing this I also realized this week has a time change, full moon, Friday the 13th, and now a seat change. Well planned. We will see how this goes.


  1. Trina · March 10, 2020

    I am laughing at this post because it sounds so much like me! I think seating charts are one of the hardest parts of our job. That and getting kids to keep and sharpen pencils as needed! I also used to let them move desks and we would take time during the day…..forget it! It is definitely not worth the aggravation. I’m not sure if it is them or me not being able to handle it, my patience is not what it used to be šŸ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

  2. mcteaguem · March 10, 2020



  3. kvanhorn1966 · March 10, 2020

    That is one of those things I always put off! My seating chart is currently in my bag – just thinking about changing it up scares me!


  4. carolannclark · March 10, 2020

    I remember doing that when I was full time in the classroom. It was always easier to switch after school but in the morning I would always see new combinations. Hoping it goes smoothly tomorrow!

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  5. mrssurridge · March 10, 2020

    Ugh! A universal struggle! I make a change with at least one of my seat every day. I’ve decided that I need a gym-sized room to actually make a seating arrangement work. And it needs about 15 corners!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Joy Bakken · March 10, 2020

    “I wrote, erased, rewrote, and rethought.” I can sense your anxiety and feel your deliberation in this arduous process. The kids may just surprise you this week!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. CKing · March 10, 2020

    Oh the seat change excitement. Within the first 5 minutes I usually spot a few changes I instantly make… It always seems so much better when the seats are empty…

    Liked by 1 person

  8. terisblog302496239 · March 10, 2020

    I love when teachers rearrange the seats. I walk into the room looking around and wondering where my students might be. Such an adventure for all:)


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