Typical Tuesday

In the beginning of our relationship, I used to laugh at my wife because she always dreaded Tuesdays.  She loathed them and I never I understood why.  I asked time and again what was the big deal about Tuesdays.  She just said that they were just a day that she hated.  It was early in the week, and no good ever seemed to come from them.  This rang true today for me.  Today is a day that I can’t wait to get in the books.

First of all, it is Tuesday, March 20.  The so called “first day of spring.”  Hogwash!  It is just another day of winter right now.  It is still so cold out, and looking ahead there is no end in sight.  Luckily we aren’t the northeast with their foot plus of snow that is coming, but still it is cold.  It is starting to get to me.  I just want warm!

From the second I walked into school today, it was just a day that was not going to go my way.  I had the day off yesterday, and I usually walk in to pretty good notes from my sub. That was not the case today.  She had way too many problems, and that bugs me.  One thing I ask from my students is to be better for a sub than they are for me, and yesterday they didn’t do that.  Disappointing.  Then I did spot checks for my student’s reading logs to make sure they are filling them out correctly, and of the five kids I checked, not one had them.  This frustrated me, so then I decided to check my whole class.  8 out of 23 had them correctly filled out.  I know that sounds unimportant, but for a class that never puts any extra effort forth, it is to me.

Beyond that, every lesson I taught today seemed like I was talking to a brick wall.  I literally felt like I was teaching to an empty room today.  Maybe it was me because I just couldn’t get my head into the game today.  It was a very defeating feeling.  I then got some other news that bummed me out.  It is one of those things that you understand, but had really high hopes for.  I tend to get myself too hyped for things, and then if they don’t happen, I get let down.  Again, my own fault, but just added to the day.

Finally, I get home and get to hang out with the family.  This part was pretty awesome, except dinner.  I was trying out a new recipe and I thought it would be pretty good.  Well the completely full plates sitting on the table told a different story.  It was gross.  My wife and I took one bite and pushed the plate away.  We tried to get the kids to eat it just to see if they may like it, that ended in tears.  Two Ego waffles later, and dinner was over.  My appetite leaked right out of me.  Another notch in the day that needs to go away.

I don’t really buy into the whole Tuesdays suck theory, but I will say that this Tuesday did.  Luckily I am pretty good at leaving the past in the past, so I look forward to tomorrow and what it will bring.  My wife is out of town for the remainder of the week, so hopefully Wednesday will take it easy on me.


  1. Melody · March 21, 2018

    Oh Eggo waffles! Sorry about your day, we’ve all had those “teaching a brick wall” moments!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Morgan · March 21, 2018

    This sounds like an “Alexander”-type horrible day! We stick to the mantra: some days are just like this. Even in Australia. I hope that writing helped you put Tuesday to bed.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. dailydoseofdennisblog · March 21, 2018

    I’ve totally had this day! Such a bummer! Hope tomorrow will be better! (I also secretly hope it wasn’t the new recipe I shared with you ;))


    • mcteaguem · March 21, 2018

      No it wasn’t! That is definitely on my list of ones to try though!!!


  4. Cassie King · March 21, 2018

    It’s almost over! “My appetite leaked out of me” great line. I’m sure your Wednesday will be amazing. (No that does not mean a hug).


    • mcteaguem · March 21, 2018

      All that you’ve heard lately and still nothing? Cold


  5. berries781 · March 21, 2018

    Sorry your Tuesday sucked. Mine did too. I especially hate when I cook something for dinner and it turns out gross. What a letdown after all that hard work. But at least there’s waffles 🙂

    Hope tomorrow is better.


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