It’s that time of year again…finally

Spring is my favorite season for many reasons.  One is that it starts to get warm again which is such a great feeling after months of cold, dreary weather in Chicago.  Two is because trees bud, flowers bloom, and grass starts to get green again.  The number one reason I love spring however is because I get to start doing one of my favorite things again…golf!

Now that I have a Top Golf really close to me, golf is possible year round.  I love playing at Top Golf, but you are hitting off turf mats, with huge targets to aim at.  It just isn’t the real thing.  Golf on real grass is so much different.  There are trees, water, and sand traps that stand in your way.  There are beautiful green fairways begging you to hit one perfectly down the center.  There are perfectly cut greens with a tiny target in the center, challenging you to read them with precision.  There’s a breeze that challenges where you want your ball to go.  All of these elements combined make golf what it is, a challenge.

Tomorrow morning will be the first time I get to go back out on that real grass, on that real course.  There will be no green grass.  The trees will be bare.  The chilly wind will not only affect my shot, but it will also make it uncomfortable.  The ground will be soggy and muddy.  It will be a lot harder to play than it will be once spring finally comes.  To all of those things, I will say I don’t care.  I will get to do that one thing that I strive to do as much as I possibly can.  I understand that I will struggle tomorrow.  I understand that it will be messy and chilly.  But I also understand that I will be in my happy place.  I will be out there with three of my buddies, laying a couple bets down on what is probably going to be a disaster of a round. I love golf though, and so to me, none of that other stuff matters.


  1. neylonk · March 6, 2016

    Mark, I can hear your voice when I read this. I can also see the light in your eyes beginning to shine. (I do feel bad for your golf widow, though!) Enjoy that time, we so rarely take it for ourselves!


    • mcteaguem · March 6, 2016

      Kelly you are absolutely right! I hope you are able to do whatever it is your passion is too!!


  2. Dana Murphy · March 6, 2016

    This is great. The last paragraph is unexpected in a way because you acknowledge that tomorrow isn’t going to be perfect. Your description of the bare trees and the soggy ground seems like it would make for a miserable day… but you don’t care. You’re happy to be doing what you love.

    This is fantastic – your passion for the game comes through so strong. Enjoy tomorrow – soggy ground and all.


  3. beckymusician · March 7, 2016

    I live in the Chicago suburbs and as I was reading this I was thinking, how’s he going to golf tomorrow when the ground is so wet? And then you said, “The ground will be soggy and muddy.” I laughed. Have a great time! It’s good to be outside when it’s not in single digits.


  4. Cathy M · March 7, 2016

    Oh I wish I loved golf as much as you do. It’s obvious how much you love it as you are willing to go out in conditions that are not optimal. I have a feeling that even tromping through the mud, you had a great day today.



    • mcteaguem · March 7, 2016

      You should give it a try! It is an amazing sport, no matter how frustrating. Today wasn’t bad at all. It was a little windy but way drier than I thought it would be so we had a great time. Thanks for your response!


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