New Regime

Our soon to be new principal came in for a visit today. This was something I have been wondering about for a couple years now. The school we are at has it’s challenges, as does any school, so having someone new come in is always a question mark. How will they fit in? Will they come in and want to shake up everything and make us change grade levels? Will they be strict or loose? There are just so many questions that you have when someone new comes in. I am not a big fan of change. Good or bad, typically I get used to it and I just want to stick with it.

I was my current principal’s first hire, so I have been with her literally since day one. As with any principal, she has things that are great, and things that maybe you wish could be changed. But she has been my principal for almost 15 years now. I know her and she knows me. I know what to expect of her most of the time. I know what she is looking for me to improve on, and usually know what advice she will give me before I even ask for it. I am comfortable.

That is where I get worried. The new principal so far seems very nice. She honestly is not what I expected them to hire for our school. I thought it would be a principal that is really focused on behavior. Someone maybe with a little bit of a rough exterior. We got the opposite. She is young and sweet, and in the brief conversation I had with her we talked about her love of fourth grade. This already probably means that I am the favorite, but we probably already knew that anyway (jk). I am excited though. I think a fresh start will be good for all of us. I like that I will have someone else to view how I am doing, and give me advice from a different point of view. Who knows how this will turn out, but as I said before, good or bad, I will get used to it. So far so good though. I think they chose a good one.


  1. Michelle Strezo · March 17, 2021

    Favorite.Bahaha. jk I am excited for you guys on this new journey!!


  2. Lori Brunke · March 18, 2021

    I hope they/we (the committee-it was our pick too) chose well too. I hope she sees what a great dynamic we have and leaves some things (like grade teams) the way they are.


  3. EugeniaKouts · March 18, 2021

    I am hopeful for our future, but I too don’t like change or the unknown! I am hoping that she is willing to hear us out and take our ideas into consideration. If not, I guess we can be miserable together . . and NEEDING those happy hours on Fridays!


  4. Trina · March 18, 2021

    I am glad you got to meet her and had some good vibes! I will have to wait. You are already looking like the harder working partner in 4th grade. 😔


  5. Sara T. · March 18, 2021

    I’m hoping all of our first impressions turn out to be true! 🤞🏼 At least we are not on eval next year! 🙌🏼


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