I was really looking forward to…a meeting?

A couple times a month we have what we call a “3-4” meeting on Mondays after school.  Typically I dread them.  There are so many other things that I could be using that time for.  Especially since the topic is quite often repeated.  They feel like those meetings that you meet just to meet.  It is one more thing you have to do after an exhausting day.  I would rather use that time to grade, or lesson plan, or meet with my partner to discuss how things went that day.

Today we had a 3-4 meeting, except this time, I was actually looking forward to it.  In the beginning of the year, if you would have told me we get a couple extra weeks off during the year this year, I would have been thrilled. However, if you then told me that we get a couple extra weeks off, except we are quarantined to our houses, with no friends, no social life, no bars or restaurants….well then I would be feeling just like I am now. Miserable. I am a social person.  I need that interaction with others, whether it be friends, family, or colleagues. I love the time with my kids, it has been amazing, but you also need that adult interaction.

Today we got a half hour of “normalcy” I guess you would say.  We did a Zoom meeting with our staff today, and I was really excited for it.  I didn’t care what we talked about, it was just good to see some of those faces again.  It was good to make my annoying jokes that interrupt the meeting.  Because to me, that is normal, and that is who I am.  Even though we couldn’t be together, at least we got to talk, laugh, and see each other.  With the uncertainty of what the rest of this year will bring, we will need to lean on each other and be there for each other like we do during the normal school year.

It is funny that you never knew how much you would miss your job, until it is not there.  I do miss my students a lot.  It is tough for me not to see them everyday.  But, I miss my colleagues more.  We have the best staff, and they are what help me get through every day, no matter how tough it was.


  1. mrsday75 · March 24, 2020

    When you are used to being with people it is so hard to be solitary. But Zoom and any video chats have been a lifeline for me. Glad to hear you got to have a little normalcy in your day!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Melody Keasler · March 24, 2020

    Sadly, I didn’t make it to that meeting today, but I totally agree. The coworkers we are lucky enough to be surrounded by every day just make it an amazing place to be.


  3. Trina · March 24, 2020

    Agreed….to all of it!
    Hopefully we will get back to normal sooner rather than later. April 8bwill be long enough for me!! I need the interaction. Thankfully, I have my kids. I dont know what I would do if I was here alone. That would be so hard!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. chuizar · March 24, 2020

    Thanks for sharing! I can certainly relate. The first time I saw my colleagues again, by zoom, I was so happy to see them! They are a blessing.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Shelly021 · March 24, 2020

    It was nice to see everyone and at least get in a quick Hi and a laugh for sure!


  6. Sara T. · March 25, 2020

    This quarantine is making you soft! LOL


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