Mother Nature is Bipolar

Mother Nature is seriously bipolar. I was so excited to leave my house today and not even wear a coat. I turned the heat in my car off, and was in such a good mood since it was a little warmer out. Then we go through our half day with students and all hell broke loose. I walked into our office that has huge windows and see that it had started to rain. Then it stopped. Then a monsoon came, dropping hail all over. A tornado watch popped up, and it got super windy out…again. Ten minutes later it was calm and perfectly sunny out. We had conferences all night so I didn’t get to see the changes, but when I went outside, I immediately regretted not bringing a jacket. It dropped 30 degrees and the winds made it difficult to even walk to my car.

This winter has had a little bit of everything. Actually a lot. It started off snowing early. Dumping quite a bit on us. Then we had a very mild December and I remember thinking maybe it wouldn’t be too bad this year. January hits and we got destroyed with snow, ice, and wind. Then more wind. And more wind. We got hit with record cold days. -56 degree wind chill! What? That it crazy.

I am not opposed to winter. I actually like the change for a little while. This year I am over it though. To me if it is not snowing, I want it over. Maybe it’s because I have a trip to Punta Cana coming up in early June, but warm weather can’t come fast enough this year. I crave it. I want to wear T-shirt’s again. I want to feel the warm sun and go out to recess without hats and gloves.

Please Mother Nature, get your sh*t together and warm up. Stay warm for a while too. Calm down your crazy wind, and stay consistent for a change. The groundhog didn’t see his shadow so kick out this cold and bring on the sun!!


  1. Melody · March 15, 2019

    Seriously! Today’s weather was weirder than usual even for Chicagoland.


  2. Sharon Gubser · March 15, 2019

    It was crazy today. I was sitting in my car around 12:30 watching it pour and hail while the sun was shining!


  3. Shelly · March 15, 2019

    Spot on! You may even get some snow back tomorrow.


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